Explorer – High resolution Theta Theta XRD

High resolution Multipurpose Theta Theta XRD Explorer

Explorer is a multipurpose high-resolution Theta Theta XRD analyzer.

With no limits to its applications, Explorer modular system offers high performances in all analytical areas.

  • Modular and Plug & Scan design
  • User can easily change the Beam geometry.
  • Highest safety standards
  • Reflection/transmission multi-sample holders
  • Johansson focusing K-alpha 1 monochromators
  • Secondary graphite monochromators
  • Non-ambient experiments in reflection and transmission geometry
  • High, low temperature and humidity chambers, fully software integrated
  • SDD detectors for EDXRF and TXRF analysis
  • Goniometer control with torque motors and optical encoders
  • Radiation enclosure with high accessibility to the goniometer