Certified Norton Spherical gas Diffuser Stone

Spherical Diffuser Stone

Methods : ASTM D892, ASTM D6082

The Certified Norton Spherical gas diffuser stones meet the certification requirements for the ASTM D892 & D6082 foam method.

The main benefits of metal diffusers are their
Stability – Certified Norton spherical gas diffusers deliver precise foam stability measurements with consistent and uniform gas bubble distribution. Manufactured with tight tolerances and a smooth surface, they provide accurate results in lubricating oil and synthetic lubricant testing.

Less Maintenance – Certified Norton spherical gas diffusers Stones are a convenient choice for foam testing, with easy cleaning to minimize contamination and ensure accurate results.

Long-lasting performance with Certified Norton spherical gas diffusers. Unlike stone diffusers, metal spherical gas diffuser stones maintain specifications without change in porosity and permeability, ensuring consistent test results over time

Regular testing of metal diffusers is crucial for accurate foam stability results. Test after each use for best results. Verify and certify diffuser stones with StoneDDI, the automatic stone verification, and certification instrument.